play video old school grammar humorsome
Usage Notes

Old-School Grammar

Many of today's grammar rules can be traced to the opinions of one 18th century writer.

Many of today's grammar rules can be traced to the opinions of one 18th century writer.

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play video old school grammar humorsome
Old-School Grammar


Many of today's grammar rules can be traced to the opinions of one 18th century writer.

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Who vs. Whom


Good news for those who feel stuffy saying 'whom.'

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What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'?


How 'literally' can mean "figuratively"

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Some Odd Words with ISMO: "People Tipping"


Comedian ISMO on the complexities of the word 'tip'

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Is 'None' Singular or Plural?


Or both? Or neither?

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There, They're, Their


There, there. We'll sort it out.

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Lay vs. Lie


Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference.